About Me

Hey, my name is Flynn and I was born in the far north of Canada. Right now I do emergency fire dispatch for the Yukon and with my time off I try to travel as much as I can. So far I have been to about 10% of the countries in the world but am aiming for them all. My other two passions in life are combat sports and philosophy. I train Muay Thai rigorously and have been for several years now. As for philosophy, it is something I couldn’t recommend enough to anyone wanting to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Pushing myself deep into philosophy, along with my fitness journey, has completely changed the course of my life and it can yours as well.

Follow me on the various socials for photos/videos of my trips. If you want to contact me, feel free to message me anywhere or shoot me an email.

Thanks for reading and remember, the sun never sets on your dreams.

-The Northern Stranger